What is a House Fly?

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The house fly is probably one of the most common pests that you will need to deal with along the way. They can get into lots of homes and even commercial properties if you are not careful about taking the right steps to keep them far away. When you start to see some flies around the property, then you need to come up with a good plan that will make them go far away.


House flies will often have four darker stripes on the top and the middle of their bodies. When they decide to land on solid food, they will regurgitate their saliva on the food to help liquefy it before they ingest it with the mouthparts that they have. They will take the time to feed on anything that they can find, which can make it easier for them to have bacteria and more that they will spread to others.


Since the house fly will eat decaying matter if it is the only thing they can find, they are more likely to transmit a number of diseases to humans if you eat food that the house fly has come in contact with. This is why you need to remove them as quickly as possible and make sure that they are not able to take over at all. There are a few different steps that you can take to help control the house fly and make sure they do not take over your home or commercial property including:

# Seal or plug any gaps or cracks that are found around the pipes that enter your home, the doors, and the windows.

# Repair any holes that are found in the screens of your door or your windows and make sure that they fit in tightly and are not lose.

# Try to keep things around the property as clean and dry as possible.

# Remove all the trash and garbage as quickly as possible. Make sure that the garbage is kept outside in a sealed container to not attract the fly.

# Use sticky fly traps or a flyswatter to keep them far away from you in your property.


Our team is here to provide you with some of the best in pest control for all of your needs. This can include pest control for your home, for your commercial property, and some of the warehouse pest control in Kent that you are looking for. We will be able to help you come up with the customized solution that makes all the difference, bringing all the tools and supplies that you need every step of the way. Trust us to take care of the pests and keep your property as safe as possible.
