How To Properly Open A Christmas Gift

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There are a million guides online for how to wrap all sorts of christmas gifts from guitars to new cars, but what about how to open them? There’s nothing like the frustration of struggling with a gift and either spending a very long time trying to open it or needing to get a pair of scissors, a knife, or someone’s help to get the wrapping off! So if you want to make sure that no amount of gift wrap can stand before you on Christmas, you need to look at this article where we break down the weaknesses of Christmas gifts so you can properly open them!


Focus On The Seams


Most people simply start ripping and tearing until it is done and the gift lies open before them. However, for many people that is often the wrong way to tear at a gift. It is sloppy and inefficient, and often results in more wrapping paper pieces littering the floor than you know what to do with.


So you need to focus on the parts of the present that are the weakest and are designed to be opened. The seams of the present where the paper has been folded in on itself are often the best places to start tugging on the wrapping paper, because you can simply unfold the paper and get a good handle on removing the rest of the layers.


Look For The Tape


Additionally, almost all wrapping presents are going to be supported by some sort of tape. Don’t be afraid to treat the taped areas as your starting point because the tape is likely holding things together, and if you can peel the tape off and expose that weakness, it is another way you can get your hands deep into the present.


Sometimes the tape is really stuck on there and you might need to put on some extra effort in order to try and pick it off, and if that is the case you can move on to step three.


Examine All Sides Of The Problem


Finally, don’t be afraid to attack the present from a different angle. For example, the bottom of the present might be the weakest because no one is expected to look there. If you turn the present over, you will likely see that the tape on the bottom is the weakest and is holding the entire present together and that can be a great place to start.


Finding the various weaknesses in your holiday gifts can help you get that wrapping paper off and can help you ensure that you spend less time struggling with the wrapping and more time having fun with the gift!
